Chance for young people at risk (young chance)
State Enterprise Bulgarian-German Center for Vocational Training (BGCPO)
Project number: BG051РО001-7.07.- 0240 – С001
Duration: 7 May 2013 – 31 December 2014
Project team: BGCPO Branch – Pazardzhik Branch, BGCPO Branch – Pleven Branch, BGCPO Branch – Stara Zagora Branch, BGCPO Branch – Tsarevo Branch, BGCPO Branch – Smolyan Branch
- Internationaler Bund, Freier Träger der Jugend-, Social- und Bildungsarbeit e.V. International Bund (International Union), IB
- Berufsförderungsinstitut Oberöstereich (Institute for the Promotion of Vocational Training Upper Austria)
Aim of the project: The project aims at enhancing the social and methodological competences of the teachers from the branches of the State Center for Public Works at work with young people at risk in the labor market and developing their personal qualities as adult educators. Its results will create the conditions for improving the competitiveness and increasing the employability of unemployed youth from vulnerable / risk groups in the labor market by implementing a set of measures that meet their specific training needs in key competences and motivation for active behavior of labor market.
Specific objectives:
- Systematization of the specific needs of teachers for training
- Study of the experience of training institutions in Germany and Austria
- Development of a Model for preparing young people at risk for full participation in vocational training, curriculum and training program for multipliers and teachers
- Development of a Teacher’s GuideTraining of multipliers and teachers
- Dissemination of experience gained in the Project among colleagues from other training institutions.
Target group: Educators in the branches of the BCCI, which provide vocational training for the acquisition of key competences of unemployed persons registered in the Labor Office from disadvantaged groups in the labor market, mainly young people up to 29 years of age.
Basic activities:
- Study of the experience of training institutions in Germany and Austria – working visits and seminars
- Development of a Bulgarian model for work with young people at risk in the labor market and curriculum and curriculum for training of adult teachers for work with young
- people at risk
- Multiplier Preparation – Training, Study Visits, Developing Adult Teacher’s Guide
- Training of trainers from the branches of the State Center for Education, Youth and Science, final version of the Adult Teacher’s Guide
- Conducting a social experiment – preparing young people at risk in the labor market to engage in intensive vocational training